Our Artists
A lot of extremely talented people have helped us, inspired us and encouraged us along the way. We love all of you – your collaborative attitude and committment to this wonderful community we are a part of is so important to us – which is why we have made this little corner of our website to tell everyone who visits us here how awesome you are!
Below are some of the talented artistes we have commissioned directly as well as artists we support via Patreon
Megan Bentley
Megan has done a huge amount of work for us, the bulk of which will feature in our Adventure Mistress Sneak’s Alliance. Megan also did a number of our regional scenes for the continent of Tasadon, and designed and illustrated all of the heraldry for each region.
Megan is currently working on another project but we hope to work with her again soon.
Tyson Roberts
Tyson did a lot of work on the Fallsea setting, the most significant contribution being the awesome maps and isometric map of the city, as well as a lot of the scenes in and around Fallsea. Tyson did a lot of art for Harbinger of War which included creatures and NPC’s that are part of the Fallsea setting.
Tyson also designed some of our heraldry and gave us a lot of great advice on engaging other artists and his art will feature on the cover of istress Sneaks Alliance as well.
You can see more of Tyson’s work on Artstation here
Samuele Bandini
Samuele started working with us on the regional scenes that depict each nation on the continent of Tasadon, and has done an exceptional job bringing our world to life.
Samuele has now progressed to doing a lot of character art for us as well, and has been invaluable with the advice he has given us on page layouts and cover design.
We love working with Samuele – he is so talented and enthusiastic.
You can see more of Samuele’s work on Artstation here
Guilia Gentilini
Guilia has just started working with us and producing some great art for Harbinger of War.
Based on the rate at which Guilia is producing this great character art, we think you will see a lot more of her stuff in our products!
You can see more of Guilia’s work on Artstation here
The Reclusive Cartographer
George does exceptional maps, from continents to dungeons – his work is beautiful.
We originally commissioned George to do a map of Shallowport, the main hub for our sandbox pirate themed Adventure – Beyond the Whispers.
Since then George has done a number of beautiful maps for us and now has a very successful Patreon we whole heartedly support.
If you want to see more of Georges work and support him on Patreon – take a look here.
Vexillation – Adam Bradshaw
Adam does fantastic battlemaps and city maps and various other illustrations.
We originally found Adam on Patreon and immediately loved his style and attention to detail. Through Patreon Adam did a number of maps for us, the most significant being the mapping of all three levels of The Hob’s Nest, our first Short Adventure release.
Since then Adam has revamped his Patreon structure and we are very active supporters.
If you want to see more of Adam’s work and support him on Patreon – take a look here.
Dean Spencer
We originally found Dean on Patreon – where we still support him actively. Dean also sells his stock art on Drive Thru RPG.
We love deans art! His style, variety and attention to detail are perfect for the quality we are aiming for. We use it extensively in our page layouts.
If you want to see more of Dean’s work and support him on Patreon – take a look here.
Jesús Da Silva
We found Jesús on Fiverr and continue to really enjoy working with him through this platform.
Jesús has done a lot of character art for us for the Fallsea setting which will also feature in Harbinger of War parts one, two and three.
If you want to see more of Jesús’s work you can look here.