Game Master Resources

We have compiled a handy list of resources for Game Masters below. These are resources we use frequently and we hope you find them useful too! We will add to this list frequently as we find more handy tools to make being the Game Master easier for you.


Game Rules Resources:

  • The One and Only Archive of Nethys is a free source of all the Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder 2 rules
  • Demiplane is a great digital toolset for many systems that is still under active development

Some handy Youtubers:

At the Table:

  • Drive Thru RPG – there are so many resources for Game Masters available here – including all of The Mad Looter’s products!
  • Foundry Virtual Table Top – simply the best out there we use it in our games and will be making our content available on their market in the near future!

Encounter Builders:

Loot Tables:

  • Booty Boi treasure generator for Pathfinder 2E

Character and Monster Builder:

  • Pathbuilder 2E Character Builder for Pathfinder 2E. It does everything you need to create and play your PC at the table.
  • PF2 Tools is the best resource for building monsters we have found

System Conversion:

Free Map Making: