Our Adventures
We split our adventures into 5 main categories below:
- Adventure Setting: This is our world, and while will release publications specific to parts of our setting, we will also make a much broader suite of resources available – see the ‘World’ section of our website for more details on this
- Adventure Paths: These are long adventures, representing along story arc and are released in many volumes (typically 5 or 6). Our Adventure Paths are designed to be played over many sessions, taking player characters typically from level 1 up to level 15 or more
- Adventures: These are adventures designed to be played over several sessions, contained in one to three volumes. Typically player characters will progress through 4 to 6 levels during an Adventure
- Short Adventures: These are shorter adventures designed to be played over 3 to 5 sessions. Player characters may level once during a Short Adventure. These are designed to be more generic (less specific to our World) so Game Masters can slot them into their home brew campaign or even slot them into another published Adventure
- One Shot Adventures: These are designed to be run in a single session. They are less detailed and expansive and usually not specific to any part of our world. Player Characters will never level up during a one shot. The settings for our One Shot Adventures are very generic and they can easily be slotted into a broader adventure
You can find our latest release schedule below.

Release Schedule
Please note this is our planned schedule, but depending on a number of factors these dates may move. We never release a product until it meets the standards we have set, and this may mean we have delays sometimes, or sometimes we may have something ready earlier than planned if all the stars align for us.
Fallsea – Edge of the World is out now!
- You can buy it HERE!
- A rich and deep system neutral urban campaign setting
- Explore Fallsea – magically hewn from the cliff face where the mighty Krackaroc cascades into the ocean
- Includes isometric and individual level city maps with detailed description and setting details and a detailed map of the thieves guild hideout
- Regional maps including New Ilthium, fish ladder and smugglers tunnels
- Legend Keeper Atlas and Wiki allowing drill down through maps and a comprehensive wiki – see an example here

The Package
- Out NOW! You can find the Pathfinder 2E version Here, Pathfinder 1E version Here, and the 5th Edition version Here.
- A seemingly ordinary day on the streets just became a lot more interesting and potentially deadly.
- A One Shot Adventure for a party of 2nd level adventurers, with a mixture of combat and roleplay in 5 non-linear encounters

The Hob’s Nest
- Out for Pathfinder 2E Now! – get it here
- Out for Pathfinder 1E Now! – get it here
- Goblins have been sighted again in Tall Trees and around Hob’s Nest. Merchant caravans have been attacked and children have gone missing from small farmsteads. The menace must be stopped
- A short adventure for 1st level adventurers, set within a sprawling cavernous goblin nest

The Tree on the Common
- Out now for Pathfinder 2E! – Get it here
- Out now for Pathfinder 1E! – Get it here
- The tree was always there in the middle of the village, now its not, its gone. Trees don’t just up root themselves and walk off do they?
- A One Shot Adventure for a party of level 4 – 6 adventurers, with 5 encounters in a woodland theme

Beast in the Dark
- July 2024 release
- “It’s a simple job” said Feagus the Fortunate, “a short trip to the next town, easy money. Just have your weapons ready, you never know what might happen.”
- A One-Shot Adventure for a party of Four at level 6
- To be released for Pathfinder 2E and Pathfinder 1E

The Nobleman’s Son
- August 2023 release
- The Nobleman’s Son is an idiot plain and simple, but there’s good gold to be had to make sure he survives the night
- A short adventure for 3rd level adventurers, allowing the GM to create “choose your own adventure” style game from the encounters provided
- To be released for Pathfinder 2E and Pathfinder 1E

Something Evil
- August 2024 release
- “The holding appears to be intact, the crops are standing, the walls unmarked and standing. Though the holding is silent, the fields are empty of workers and there is no smoke from the burning of hearth fires.”
- “The plaintive cry of an infant can be heard and strange barking sounds. From between the holding gates emerges a slight figure of a young woman, the crying sound comes from the bundle she is holding. The woman holds a dagger in her other hand and starts to run towards you with a terrified look on her face.”
- A Short Adventure for a level 4 to 6 party
- To be released for Pathfinder 2E and Pathfinder 1E

Harbinger of War – Part 1
- Late 2024 release
- Sergeant Tarnis’ voice becomes a deeper growl and he leans in closer, “If you fessing mess this up, the nine planes damn my eyes, you had better be dead; or pretend that you are for a very long time.”
- Part 1 of a 4 part saga for 4th level adventurers, where the rumor’s of a warband sacking villages on the frontier starts in Fallsea and ends up racing across New Ilthium to confront a growing menace

Harbinger of War – Part 2
- Late 2024 release
- Sergeant Tarnis’ voice becomes a deeper growl and he leans in closer, “If you fessing mess this up, the nine planes damn my eyes, you had better be dead; or pretend that you are for a very long time.”
- Part 2 of a 3 part saga for 4th level adventurers, where the rumor’s of a warband sacking villages on the frontier starts in Fallsea and ends up racing across New Ilthium to confront a growing menace

Harbinger of War – Part 3
- Early 2025 release
- Sergeant Tarnis’ voice becomes a deeper growl and he leans in closer, “If you fessing mess this up, the nine planes damn my eyes, you had better be dead; or pretend that you are for a very long time.”
- Part 3 of a 4 part saga for 4th level adventurers, where the rumor’s of a warband sacking villages on the frontier starts in Fallsea and ends up racing across New Ilthium to confront a growing menace